Courtesy Meeting with the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia Datuk Shaik Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour

Freedom in ASEAN financial flows is critical to the deepening of ASEAN economic integration.
In support of Malaysia’s ASEAN chairmanship, ASEAN-BAC Malaysia recently held a meeting with the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Shaik Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour led by Chairman Nazir Razak. The meeting was also attended by Executive Director Ms Jukhee Hong, and ABMC Members Mr Novan Amirudin, Group CEO of CIMB Group Holdings, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Syed Zainal Abidin, Managing Director of Dagang Nexchange Berhad (DNEX) and Mr Md Farid Kairi, Deputy CEO of Maybank Berhad.
The meeting aimed to seek counsel on possible liberalisation in financial flows within ASEAN and ways to overcome various regulatory hurdles experienced by businesses in ASEAN.