Talent Development and Mobility Working Group Meeting with Prof. Dr. Ong Kian Ming

Greater mobility creates more opportunities. Is there a commitment to prioritise and advocate for talent mobility within the framework of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025?
Our Executive Director, Jukhee Hong discussed different ideas with Dr. Kian-Ming Ong, Director of Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) Programme of Taylor’s University and former Deputy Minister of MITI, delving into the complexities of talent mobility and development as integral facets of integrating and linking economies, as ASEAN-BAC Malaysia and our research partners prepare for ASEAN 2025.
By facilitating the movement of skilled workers, students, and professionals within the region, ASEAN countries and businesses can tap into a diverse pool of talent, promote knowledge exchange, and enhance competitiveness on a global scale.